Student Handbook

Welcome to Training and Personnel Australia

Thank you for choosing Training and Personnel Australia as your training provider, and allowing us to play a role in your learning journey. We pride ourselves on professional, flexible learning and providing you with the best experience possible to attain your learning goals. We hope you are looking forward to your learning and making a lot of new friends along the way.

We are here to help you make the most of your learning. Good luck. We look forward to hearing of your achievements and providing support where we can. We trust you will enjoy your time with us and wish you every success in your learning.

Student Handbook

Section 1 - Introduction

Our Training

Training and Personnel Australia

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with a quick reference about training programs, policies and processes, roles and responsibilities guiding you through your learning experience with Training and Personnel Australia. Thank you for considering training with us.

Training and Personnel Australia is registered training organisation (RTO) registered with the Vet Regulator.

Training and Personnel Australia aims to deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training that is relevant to students, employers and industry.

Our commitment to continuous improvement means we are constantly developing and improving new resources, processes and facilitation methods to remain ahead in technology and industry standards.

Training and Personnel Australia has training locations in:

  • Townsville

Training and Personnel Australia offers a range of training products and services which includes the following:

As an RTO, Training and Personnel Australia is bound to comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs) 2015.

Training Services provided to students follow policies and processes developed to meet the VET Quality Framework and SRTOs 2015.

Service Commitment

Training and Personnel Australia is responsible for compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (2015) and is committed to providing quality training and assessment services to its learners.

We aim to:

  • Provide training and assessment services that meet industry needs and trends;
  • Deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training;
  • Maintain a person-centred approach;
  • Foster relationships with our students, supporting them through their career;
  • Provide flexible learning opportunities;
  • Provide a supportive, facilitative and open learning environment;
  • Ensure all training is delivered by qualified trainer and assessors with the necessary skills and experience;
  • Ensure all training is continually monitored and improved;
  • Maintain a healthy and effective learning environment for students;
  • Produce competent and confident workers that benefit the community and industry.

Training Program skills and knowledge

Training and Personnel Australia delivers a range of units of competency and qualifications from training packages endorsed by the Australian Government and approved for use throughout Australia.We have established long running relationships with the civil construction and mining entities throughout Queensland and are recognised as a leader in vocational education in these sectors.

As a result of our continual engagement with industry and the relationships we have built with our industry partners, we have identified a range of skills, knowledge, and experience that would be of benefit to assist your progression through your training.

Many of these skills are generic skills utilised on an ongoing basis in both industry sectors and, while not mandatory, are beneficial and dependent on your chosen course of study.

As part of the enrolment process, you will be required to note the knowledge, skills or experience that you have in relation to the short course, skill set, unit of competency or qualification you are enrolling in.

Consider the following knowledge and skills when choosing your study options:

Knowledge of:

  • WHS
  • Risk assessment and hazard analysis•Legislation and regulation affecting high risk work
  • Plant and heavy equipment operations•High risk work requirements•Environmental sustainability


  • Communication including the use of hand signals and various communication devices
  • Operating heavy plant and equipment
  • Conducting risk assessment and hazard identification
  • Participating and observing WHS

Section 2 - Student Rights and Responsibilities

Training and Personnel Australia conducts training courses at various venues to:suit student needs, course type, and learning styles. The following student etiquette guidelines will help foster a healthy learning environment for all students. 


All assessments must be submitted by the due date.

If you are having difficulty completing an assessment, you should discuss it with your trainer/assessor well in advance of the due date.

This way the trainer/assessor may be able to offer support or grant additional time.

Please note there may be conditions or penalties to gaining an extension.

Assessment Malpractice

Assessment malpractice includes: cheating, collusion and plagiarism.

Training and Personnel Australia regards the integrity of assessment as critical to its professional responsibilities as an RTO and therefore strives to ensure the assessment processes are not compromised.

Training and Personnel Australia has policies and procedures in place for dealing with assessment malpractice.

  • Cheating All assessments must be 100% your own work. Cheating or the use of another person’s work and submitting as your own is cheating and will not be tolerated.
  • Collusion Collusion is the presentation of work, which is the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. It is your responsibility to ensure that other students do not have opportunity to copy your work.
  • Plagiarism Copying from a published work (including the internet), without referencing, will not be tolerated. This includes presentation of work which has been copied in whole or in part from another person’s work or from any other source such as the Internet, published books, and periodicals. This includes systematic re-wording or changing key nouns and verbs. You must follow referencing guidelines if you take another person’s idea, and put it into your own words.


Attendance in training is recorded each day. These records are required for both learning and health and safety reasons.

Student attendance in class is paramount to successful completion of learning and assessment outcomes. Students are expected to be in attendance for all training sessions. It is expected that students arrive to class on time and remain for the full duration.

Should it be necessary for you to leave a class early –you must advise the trainer/assessor before the class commences.All classroom sessions are designed to provide students the essential knowledge and skills required for relevant units of competency.

It is expected however that students will undertake additional reading and research as needed to support their learning experience. If you are absent form class, it is your responsibility to catch up on any work missed.

If you are going to be absent from a scheduled class or activity, please advise your trainer/assessor or Training and Personnel Australia administration personnel.Other arrangements can be made, including self-paced learning or alternative training dates.


As a courtesy to other learners and the trainer/assessor, all students must be punctual throughout the training day, including returning from breaks.

Punctuality shows respect and is essential to avoid disruption to other students and the trainer/assessor.


Students are expected to behave appropriately in a mature and professional manner at all times.

All students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour during training and assessment. Misconduct will not be tolerated.

Misconduct includes

  • Any offensive conduct or unlawful activity (e.g. Theft, fraud, violence, assault);
  • Interfering with another person’s property;•Removing, damaging or mistreating Training and Personnel Australia property or equipment;
  • Cheating/plagiarism;
  • Interfering with another person’s ability to learn through disruptions during training;
  • Breach of confidentiality;
  • Inappropriate language;
  • Serious negligence, including WHS non-compliance;
  • Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimisation;
  • Being affected by drugs or alcohol and being unfit to participate in learning activities.

Respect for others

It is expected that the behaviour of all persons in the learning environment ensure a positive learning experience. Respect for other students and the trainer/assessor is expected. Training and Personnel Australia retains the right at all times to remove disruptive students from the training environment.

  • You will be expected to treat staff and fellow students with respect and observe any student etiquette requirements which appear in this handbook or requested during the course by a trainer/assessor.
  • Inappropriate language and actions will not be tolerated.
  • Harassment, bullying and intimidation of staff or fellow learners will not be tolerated.
  • Treat facilities and equipment with due care and respect.
  • You are required to respect the rights of others and treat others in a manner which is fair and non-discriminatory.


Your trainer will advise of timing for all breaks. Typically though the following break times have been allocated, however they may vary:

  • 15 minutes duration for – Morning and afternoon tea breaks
  • 45 minutes duration for – Lunch breaks

Change of personal details

Students are required to ensure their personal details recorded with Training and Personnel Australia are up-to-date at all times.

Should your circumstances or details change, please update your record through your student login account.

Disciplinary Processes

Training and Personnel Australia may implement student discipline processes should a student be found to be acting inappropriately, due to misconduct or assessment malpractice.

Any breaches of discipline will result in the person being given a ‘verbal warning’. Further disciplinary processes may include:

  • The student being asked to justify why they should continue to participate in the learning group;
  • Suspension from the training room;
  • Expulsion from the training room; or
  • Expulsion from the Training course.

Dress & Hygiene Requirements

Students are to be well presented and appropriately dressed during all training. Dress requirements include:

  • Neat, comfortable clothing in the classroom environment;
  • Appropriate work attire, including personal protective clothing (PPE) for training in workplace or simulated environments;
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times;
  • Since you will be working in close proximity with others, care with your personal hygiene (clothing, hair, deodorant etc.) is requested.

Duty of Care

Under Workplace Health and Safety legislation, students have a duty of care to maintain a safe environment for both themselves and their fellow students.

  • Should you be involved in an accident which results in personal injury and/or damage to equipment or facilities, notify your trainer/assessor immediately.
  • If you have a personal health condition which may become critical while attending training, please advise us before commencing the course. All information will be treated in strict confidence and is only needed so Training and Personnel Australia can provide support or treatment should an emergency arise.
  • Emergency procedures and exit plans must be followed.

You have a duty to:

  • Protect your own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person;
  • Not wilfully or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided by Training and Personnel Australia in the interests of health, safety and welfare;
  • Cooperate with health and safety directives given by staff of Training and Personnel Australia;
  • Ensure that you are not affected by the consumption of drugs or alcohol.

Evaluation and Feedback

Training and Personnel Australia values all feedback from students as it assists us to continuously improve the products and services we offer.

Students are encouraged to provide us with feedback, both positive and constructive.

Training and Personnel Australia has developed some feedback forms for you to provide feedback.

Thank you in advance for your comments.

If you are completing or withdraw from a qualification that is funded under the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program, you will be required to complete a Training and Employment Survey within three (3) months.

As a pre-qualified supplier of Certificate 3 Guarantee funded training, Training and Personnel Australia is required to that all students undertake this survey and report on its outcomes on a quarterly basis.

Training and Personnel Australia has engaged an external organisation,

Call Assist, to make conduct and report on the outcomes of the surveys on its behalf.

Additional Support

Training and Personnel Australia understands that there may be times when personal issues may affect your ability to undertake your training.

Training and Personnel Australia has identified a number of support services for students who have special needs, or require additional support and assistance to undertake or complete their learning.

As such, Training and Personnel Australia ensures collection, analysis and/or acting on additional support information that could adversely impact your ability to undertake and complete the course.

This includes but is not limited to any disability or impairment that restricts access and equity as well as, computer literacy or English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) information obtained from learners prior to enrolment and prior to the commencement of their first unit of competency.

Educational and support services may include, but are not limited to:

  1. pre-enrolment materials;
  2. study support and study skills programs;
  3. language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) programs or referrals to these programs;
  4. equipment, resources and/or programs to increase access for learners with disabilities and other learners in accordance with access and equity;
  5. learning resource centres;
  6. mediation services or referrals to these services
  7. flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment;
  8. counselling services or referrals to these services;
  9. information and communications technology (ICT) support;
  10. learning materials in alternative formats, for example, in large print;
  11. learning and assessment programs contextualised to the workplace;
  12. Adult Migrant Education;and
  13. any other services that the RTO considers necessary to support learners to achieve competency.

Where appropriate, Training and Personnel Australia will seek external assistance to ensure additional support services are available.

You will be informed in case additional costs may be incurred to arrange access to external additional support services.

Language, Literacy Numeracy

Learners with LLN issues should be referred to the following services to discuss any additional LLN support services available to them:

Reading Writing Hotline
Phone: 1300 655 506

Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL)
Phone: (03) 9546 6892

NSW Adult Literacy and Numeracy Council (NSWALNC)
Phone: (02) 9514 3478

Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council (VALBEC)
Phone: (03) 9546 6892

Queensland Council for Adult Literacy
Phone: (07) 3878 9944

Western Australian Adult Literacy Council

South Australian Council for Adult literacy
Phone: (08)8463 5875

See: TPA’s Additional Support Policy

Learning Materials

Students receive a copy of training and /or assessment materials as part of the course fee.

Should you lose or misplace the materials you are provided, additional fees for replacement of materials will be incurred.

Please reference TPA’s Fee, Charges and Refund Policy for these costs

Making the Most of your Training

It is very important to make the most of your training opportunity.

Please note it is your responsibility to do this.

To optimise your own learning and successful completion, undertake to do the following:

  • Attend all training sessions and complete all required reading and learning activities;
  • Prepare well in advance of each training session;
  • Be a willing participant;
  • Work with fellow learners;
  • Respect other people’s opinions;
  • Ensure you have a clear understanding of the assessment requirements;
  • Take responsibility for the quality of evidence that you submit to the Assessor;
  • Keep track of your progress;
  • Complete and submit all assessment on time, tasks using clear and concise language;
  • Be willing to contact your trainer/assessor if you do not understand the training activity or assessment task.

Mobile Phones

All phones must be turned off during training, as a courtesy to the Trainer/assessor and other students. In an emergency where you need to be contacted, please advise your trainer/assessor so that arrangements can be made.


Do not leave handbags or other valuables unattended.

Although the building may be reasonably secure, you are ultimately responsible for your own belongings.

Training and Personnel Australia accepts no responsibility for any belongings which may be stolen or go missing.

Section 3 - Course Information

Training Programs

All training programs provided by Training and Personnel Australia are registered under nationally endorsed training packages.

These training programs are competency based which means that training and assessment focus on the development and recognition of a person’s ability to apply relevant knowledge and skills to perform workplace tasks to a specified standard.

The specific skills and knowledge required for a particular workplace activities are set out in Units of Competency which can be grouped together to formulate the completion of a nationally recognised qualification. Nationally recognised qualifications are outlined in Training Packages.

These can be viewed at Each qualification has a list of employability skills which describe the non-technical skills and competencies that are important for effective and successful participation in the workforce.

For each qualification,there are specific employability skills listed under the following headings:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem solving•Initiative and enterprise
  • Planning and organising
  • Self-management
  • Learning
  • Technology.

These employability skills will be part of the assessment requirements of a nationally accredited course.


It is important to note that the rules and requirements of a Unit of Competency and a qualification are applied to all students regardless of where they are, or the mode of training delivery provided.

You could be a full time student in a classroom or the workplace,or you could be applying for recognition of the skills and knowledge currently held.Each Unit of Competency is made up of the following:

  • Elements;
  • Performance criteria;
  • Performance and knowledge evidence requirements;
  • A range of variables;
  • Critical aspects of evidence;
  • Assessment conditions
  • Any pre or co requisites (if applicable).

To be deemed Competent in any Unit of Competency you must be able to meet both performance and knowledge evidence requirements outlined in the assessment requirements of the unit of competency.

You must produce the required evidence in accordance with the Rules of Evidence (see Page 10 for details). You must demonstrate that you are able to complete work tasks to the standard that is required in the workplace.

Skills need to be demonstrated in a range of situations and environments (which could include simulated applications in a learning environment) over a period of time.


Evidence is the material proof that you have performed the specified competency or task to the required standard.

Your evidence requirements will be determined by the Unit of Competency, employability skill requirements, industry expectations, Government regulations, and your qualifications and current experience.

Evidence can take many forms and you will be required to present more than just one piece of evidence.

Assessment tools that we will provide to you set out the exact requirements for evidence for each unit/module.

Examples of evidence could include one or more of the following:

  • Specific assessment tasks set by your Assessor
  • Observation reports
  • Certificates and awards
  • Examples of work completed or special projects
  • Current licenses
  • Position descriptions and performance reviews
  • Third party reports
  • Question responses
  • Tests

Your evidence must also demonstrate the following:

  • That you can do the job or task to the required standard
  • Understand why the job should be done in a particular way
  • Handle unexpected issues or problems
  • Work with others ‘in a team’
  • Do more than one thing at a time, e.g. perform the task and be aware of the occupational health and safety requirements
  • Know the workplace rules and procedures


Assessment is in integral part of your learning if you wish to complete successfully and gain certification.

The assessment process will be explained at orientation and throughout your program. Assessors will also be available to you if you have any questions.

Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgement on whether competency has been achieved to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and as expressed in relevant competency standards.

Throughout the training program you will be assessed to see if you have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve the qualification.

Your trainer/assessor is required to ensure that the assessment tasks you undertake meet the national principles of assessment and rules of evidence (see below for more information).

Various assessments tasks /activities may be involved including, but not limited to:

  • Observation of performance;
  • Assignments;
  • Written activities;
  • written / oral questioning;
  • oral presentations;
  • workplace performance
  • projects
  • case studies;
  • role plays/ simulations;
  • demonstration of skills;
  • portfolio of evidence.

Certification will only be given to students who successfully complete all assessment requirements for a course.

Training and Personnel Australia is required to meet stringent quality requirements in the conduct of all assessments.

The Training and Personnel Australia has carefully constructed and developed assessment resources to meet these quality requirements, as well as be user friendly to students.

Principles of Assessment

Assessments will be conducted in accordance with the following principles of assessment.


Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner.

Validity requires:

  • Assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirement covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance;
  • Assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application;
  • Assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations; and
  • Judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessments requirements.


Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.


Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:

  • Reflecting the learner’s needs;
  • Assessing competencies held by the Learner no matter how or where they have been acquired; and
  • Drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.


The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process.Where appropriate reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs.

The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary

Rules of Evidence Training and Personnel Australia is required to ensure that all evidence provided by students, as proof of their competency, meets the following “rules of evidence”.


The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.


The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.


The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.


The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.

Course Assessment

There will be assessment tasks set for each course regardless of the learning mode. Assessment activities and expectations will be explained to students, and are outlined within learner/assessment resources.

Many courses require assessment to be completed after the course, as workplace performance is essential in competency based learning.

Presentation of Assessments

  • Ensure that your handwriting is clear and easy to read.
  • If you are mailing an assignment, it must be received by the due date. Training and Personnel Australia does not accept responsibility for any lost assignments. Please ensure you keep a copy of your assignment prior to submission.
  • All assignments are registered as they are received.
  • We endeavour to assess all assessments within 10 working days of receipt.
  • Students are entitled to three resubmit assessments.
    If the re-submissions are still deemed NYC (Not Yet Competent), students may be offered the opportunity to re-submit at a fee.
    No further re-submits are allowed.
    Students must re-enrol in the course again, paying the full course fee of the day.

Assessment results

Results of assessment are provided to students as soon as is practical. Assessment results are confidential at all times and will not be given to any other party unless a written request signed by the student is received in advance.

Reasonable adjustments

Students with disabilities or learning difficulties are encouraged to discuss with Training and Personnel Australia any ‘reasonable adjustment’ to learning and assessment processes which they consider would be necessary or assist them in the performance of their studies.

Careful consideration will be given to any requests for reasonable adjustment of this nature, and, where reasonably practicable, such adjustments will be made.

There may however be circumstances where it will not be reasonable or reasonably practicable for the Training and Personnel Australia to accommodate or where other adjustment may be more appropriate.

Reasonable adjustments cannot compromise the integrity of competency based training and assessment.

Extensions for Assessment

It is expected that all assessment tasks are handed in on the due date. Should you require additional time to complete an assessment, you must communicate with your assessor and apply for an extension.

Certificate 3 Guarantee

Types of Certification

In general, four types of certificates are issued by Training and Personnel Australia. Certificates can only be awarded by Training and Personnel Australia in accordance with our approved qualification scope.

  • Qualification–issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. Full qualifications can only be issued once the student has been deemed competent across all the relevant units of competency making up the qualification.
  • Record of Results–accompanies a qualification issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. This document supplements the qualification listing all units of competency achieved for the qualification.
  • Statement of Attainment (SOA) –issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. Issued when a student is deemed competent in a unit or a cluster of units of competency. Minimum achievement for a SOA is one unit of competency. You can request a SOA at any time during your training.
  • Certificate of Attendance – for non-nationally recognised training. Issued when a student attends a short course which is not within the Australian qualifications framework (AQF). To receive a Certificate of Attendance, the student must have a satisfactory attendance rate.

Certificates will only be posted to students at their nominated postal address as shown in their student login account. The onus is on the student to ensure their address details are correct. Certificates will not be sent to other parties, without the expressed prior written permission from the student. Duplicate or replacement copies of certificates incur a fee.

High Risk Work Training

*It is important to note that some licensed units on Training and Personnel’s scope of delivery require the student to be over the age of 18. These units include:


Types of Certification

In general, four types of certificates are issued by Training and Personnel Australia. Certificates can only be awarded by Training and Personnel Australia in accordance with our approved qualification scope.

  • Qualification–issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. Full qualifications can only be issued once the student has been deemed competent across all the relevant units of competency making up the qualification.
  • Record of Results–accompanies a qualification issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. This document supplements the qualification listing all units of competency achieved for the qualification.
  • Statement of Attainment (SOA) –issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. Issued when a student is deemed competent in a unit or a cluster of units of competency. Minimum achievement for a SOA is one unit of competency. You can request a SOA at any time during your training.
  • Certificate of Attendance – for non-nationally recognised training. Issued when a student attends a short course which is not within the Australian qualifications framework (AQF). To receive a Certificate of Attendance, the student must have a satisfactory attendance rate.

Certificates will only be posted to students at their nominated postal address as shown in their student login account. The onus is on the student to ensure their address details are correct. Certificates will not be sent to other parties, without the expressed prior written permission from the student. Duplicate or replacement copies of certificates incur a fee.

Course Delivery

Training and Personnel Australia ensures the following resources are in place:

  • Trainer/assessors and Assessors with appropriate qualifications, and experience;All Trainers and Assessors are qualified in training and assessment and the vocational area which they are delivering. They have practical experience and maintain their currency in industry.
  • Course materials appropriate to the methods of delivery and assessment requirements;
  • All necessary copyright authorisations;
  • Appropriate equipment and facilities.

Training and assessment methods used by Training and Personnel Australia meet specific quality requirements and are chosen to best suit the unit of competency, while giving consideration to the learning style of the student.

The provision of training often includes a blended approach with a combination of on and off-the-job methods.

A number of delivery methods will be used throughout the training to help you achieve the necessary skills.

Learning is a partnership that involves participation from all involved.

Delivery methods may include, but are not limited to:

  • Practical demonstrations
  • audio/visual presentations
  • group participation/ discussions
  • trainer/facilitator instruction
  • practical activities•self-paced activities
  • individual projects
  • workplace based training
  • case studies

Flexible Delivery

Flexible delivery focuses on learning rather than teaching and to provide the best possible learning experience for the student.

This means that the student has greater control over what, when and how they learn.

Training and Personnel Australia offers various forms of delivery to accommodate the varying needs of students.

Modes of delivery available for most courses include classroom (face-to-face) environment, workplace based, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a combination of these.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

Training and Personnel Australia makes appropriate concessions for language, literacy and numeracy issues of students where these concessions do not compromise the requirements of the relevant Training Package and the integrity, equity and fairness of assessment.

During the enrolment process, all students complete a brief non-invasive language, literacy and numeracy assessment to enable TPA to identify any issues that may need to be addressed prior to the commencement of training.

Strategies to address these issues will be negotiated with students and may include adjusting learning and assessment modes and methods.

See TPA’s Additional Student Support Policy for more details.


Recognition is the collective term and includes:

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL);
  • Credit Transfer (CT);

All students have the opportunity to apply for recognition.

This means that you can submit evidence for a Unit(s) of Competency and have it assessed by a qualified assessor without completing the training.

Training and Personnel Australia believes that no learner should be required to undertake a unit of competency for which they are already able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the performance outcomes, as stated in the endorsed training package or nationally recognised course.

Training and Personnel Australia aims to maximise the recognition of a learner’s prior skills and knowledge whilst at all times maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific qualification or course of study.

Students who consider they already possess the competencies identified in all or part of any course/qualification offered by Training and Personnel Australia may seek recognition.

If you think you have the necessary knowledge and skills to match a Unit(s) of Competency or a qualification at the required standard you need to contact your trainer who will provide the information you need to complete an application.

See TPA’s Recognition Policy for more details. You may access this policy on TPA’s website, or by clinking here.

Special Needs

Students intending to enrol for training with the Training and Personnel Australia are requested to advise us if they have any physical or other impairment (e.g. English language, literacy or numeracy difficulties, dyslexia, etc.) which may adversely affect their ability to successfully undertake training and assessment, prior to enrolment.

Students with disabilities or impairments are encouraged to discuss with the CEO any ‘special needs’ and/or ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the study environment which they consider are necessary or would assist them in the performance of their studies.

The CEO, in collaboration with the student, will assess the potential for the student to successfully complete the training which may include flexible delivery options to optimise the ease and benefit of the student’s learning.

See TPA’s Additional Student Support Policy for more details.

Section 4 - Policies

Access and Equity

Training and Personnel Australia is committed to promoting, encouraging and valuing equity and diversity with respect to its students and to providing them with a positive learning environment to achieve success. Training and Personnel Australia will ensure services offered are provided in a fair and equitable manner to all students, free from bias.

Training and Personnel Australia abides by equal opportunity principles, providing access to the benefits of training and assessment to all students regardless of gender, sex, pregnancy, race, marital status, sexuality, age, family/carer responsibilities, culture, linguistic background, disability, transgender, political conviction or religious belief.

All students have equitable access to training resources and facilities, support services and information, trainer and assessors, learning and assessment materials and opportunities.

See TPA’s Access & Equity Policy for more details

You may access this policy on TPA’s website, or by clinking here.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

This policy is based on providing and maintaining training services that are fair and reasonable and afford a forum where issues or inadequacies can be resolved.

The TPA Complaints and Appeals Process provides adequate opportunity for complaints and appeals to be forwarded to TPA management for resolution in a timely, confidential and sensitive manner.

TPA will ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness will be adhered to throughout the hearing of all complaints and appeals process.

This meets requirements of the ‘Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015’, specifically Standard 6.

  1. TPA’s Training Manager is appointed as the Complaints and Appeals Resolution Officer.
  2. The objective is to ensure that TPA staff and those acting on behalf of TPA act in accordance with the TPA Code of Practice.
  3. Students are provided with a clear process to follow in order to register a complaint or an appeal. All parties involved will be kept informed of the resulting actions and outcomes.
  4. All Complaints and Appeals are to be recorded on the student record in TPA’s Student Management System and securely maintained, including outcomes.
  5. Details concerning the scope of TPA’s Complaints and Appeals Policy are to be clearly displayed throughout the organisation and contained within the Student Handbook.
  6. All complaints/appeals will be will be discussed at Management Review meetings to identify potential causes of complaints or appeal and to discuss appropriate corrective action to eliminate or mitigate that likelihood of reoccurrence and any opportunity for continuous improvement of the processes.

Appeals Process

TPA supports the rights of a student to lodge an appeal against any assessment decision and will not impair that right in anyway.

TPA will do everything possible to address the appeal in an unbiased and professional manner.

Any student wishing to appeal and assessment decision/judgement should follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1. (trainer review)

  • The student must contact their Assessor to discuss their assessment result and why they believe that the Assessors judgement is incorrect showing evidence of how they have addressed the assessment criteria.
  • The assessor will consider the students case and determine whether they up hold their original decision or in light of their discussions wish to alter the assessment judgement.
  • Where the Assessor wishes to alter the original judgement, the Assessor will put a request forward to the Training Manager in writing, outlining the details of the changes to the students’ assessment results and reason for the change in assessment result.
  • The Training Manager will review the Assessors reasoning and assessment evidence against the required benchmarks and either overturn or uphold the original decision.
  • Where the Assessor/Training Manager upholds the original assessment decision, the learner then has an opportunity to put in a formal written request (see step two below).
  • This process will be completed within 10 days.

Step 2 (formal written request).

Where the student is unhappy with the outcome at step one, they can follow the formal appeal process outlined below:

  • All appeals should be committed to in writing at the earliest possible opportunity(within 7 days of the relevant incident), and lodged through TPA’s Complaints and Appeals Online Form. You can access the Complaints and Appeals Form through TPA’s Website by following the below link, or by clicking here
  • This will constitute a formal appeal from the student. This should only happen once step one has been completed and where the student is unhappy with the outcome of this step.
  • The appeal request should contain the following information:
    1. The student’s full name and number
    2. The unit/subject being assessed
    3. Each assessment task name/number (where the result is being disputed) including why the result should be overturned. The student should refer directly to how they believe they have met the requirement of each task in detail and referencing any evidence to support their claims.
  • The Training Manager of TPA is automatically notified via email each time a Complaints and Appeals form has been submitted.
  • The Training Manager will initiate a transparent, participative process to deal with the issues at hand.
  • Appeals are to be responded to within10 working days of the initial application.
  • The Training Manager of TPA may delegate responsibility for the resolution of the appeal as required. In all cases the final conclusion will be endorsed by TPA’s Training Manager.
  • The student will be advised in writing of the outcome of their appeal via email.
  • All appeals will be handled as Staff-In-Confidence.
  • If the outcome is not to the satisfaction of the student, he/she may contact the Training Manager to discuss their concerns.

Step 3 (independent review request).

Where the student is unhappy with the outcome at step two, they can follow the formal appeal process outlined below:•The student has the right to request a review of the appeal by an independent party.

  • The student will be responsible for the costs of the independent review.
  • TPA reserves the right to nominate or agree to the independent party and will cooperate fully with this independent review.

TPA will aim to complete this appeals process as quickly as possible and within a total of 60 days. TPA will keep the student informed of the progress of the appeal throughout the process.

Complaints Process

TPA supports the rights of a student to lodge a grievance or complaint if a student feels they have been treated unfairly.

TPA will do everything possible to address grievances or complaints in an unbiased and professional manner.

Complaints are welcomed as a means of ensuring that we identify and overcome problems faced by students, and provide an opportunity to improve our business and/or the delivery of our training programs.

  • All complaints should be committed to in writing at the earliest possible opportunity (within 7 days of the relevant incident), and lodged through TPA’s Complaints and Appeals Online Form. You can access the Complaints and Appeals Form through TPA’s Website, or by clicking here. This will constitute a formal complaint from the student.
  • The Training Manager of TPA is automatically notified via email each time a Complaints and Appeals form has been submitted.
  • The Training Manager of TPA will initiate a transparent, participative process to deal with the issues at hand.
  • Complaints are to be resolved within 10 working days of the initial application.The Training Manager of TPA may delegate responsibility for there solution of the complaint as required. In all cases the final conclusion will be endorsed by TPA’s Training Manager.
  • The student will be advised in writing of the outcome of their complaint via email.
    • If the outcome is not to the satisfaction of the student,he/she may contact the Manager to discuss their concerns.
  • All complaints will be handled as Staff-In-Confidence.

Where the student remains unhappy with the outcome:

  • The student has the right to request a review of the appeal by an independent party.
  • The student will be responsible for the costs of the independent review.
  • TPA reserves the right to nominate or agree tothe independent party and will cooperate fully with this independent review.

TPA will aim to complete this complaints process as quickly as possible and within a total of 60 days. TPA will keep the student informed of the progress of the complaint throughout the process.

See TPA’s Complaints and Appeals Policy

Student Enrolment

To enrol in a training program simply do so via our website or contact the Administration Office on 1300 TOP JOB and we will send out an enrolment form and the information links for the course. Simply complete an Enrolment form and send to us, either by email or post.

Visit our enrolment page.

Short Courses (individual units of competency and skill sets)

It is preferable to accommodate student numbers that enrolments are received at least 48 hours prior to the course commencement. This can be negotiated on a case by case basis and is dependent on capacity. However, Training and Personnel Australia understand that this is not always possible. Please contact us for further information. Enrolment forms should be returned with payment. Any enrolments received without payment will be considered tentative until payment has been received.

Once we receive your enrolment an interview will be scheduled. At this interview you will do the following:

  • Discuss the course in detail
  • Discuss undertaking a training program
  • Establish whether you are eligible for government funding (if available)
  • Confirm the fees you will have to pay
  • Complete a language literacy numeracy test to determine your learning needs
  • Be informed about the requirements of a police/working with children check or other licences
  • Confirm the date of the mandatory orientation session


It is preferable to accommodate student numbers that enrolments are received at least one week prior to the course commencement. This can be negotiated on a case by case basis and is dependent on capacity. However, Training and Personnel Australia understand that this is not always possible. Please contact us for further information.

Enrolment forms should be returned with payment. Any enrolments received without payment will be considered tentative until payment has been received. Once we receive your enrolment an interview will be scheduled. At this interview you will do the following:

  • Discuss the course in detail
  • Discuss undertaking a training program
  • Establish whether you are eligible for government funding (if available)
  • Confirm the fees you will have to pay
  • Complete a language literacy numeracy test to determine your learning needs
  • Be informed about the requirements of a police/working with children check or other licences
  • Confirm the date of the mandatory orientation session

Tentative Enrolments

Students may request a tentative enrolment in a course. However, if the student does not pay their fees in accordance with the fees and charges policy, their place in that course may be cancelled or given to another student. Should enrolment numbers reach maximum, and another person wishes to enrol on a course where there is a tentative enrolment, Training and Personnel Australia will contact the tentative booking for payment confirmation or forfeiture of the tentative booking.

Enrolment Confirmation

All students receive a letter/email to confirm their enrolment. Written confirmation will outline relevant details, such as venue, date, and course duration and confirm the student’s acceptance into the relevant course. Students should note that enrolment is not complete or accepted until the confirmation is received from TPA.

Student Induction

Induction for all new students includes the provision of this manual.

See TPA’s Enrolment Policy for more details.

Student Selection

Training and Personnel Australia conducts recruitment of students at all times in an ethical, fair and responsible manner using various methods.

Training and Personnel Australia is committed to ensuring that all student selection processes are fair, equitable and consistent with workplace performance, competency level and the Training Package requirements. Therefore, selection into a training program is based upon the applicant:

  • satisfying appropriate funding body entry criteria,
  • determination of the student’s capacity to complete their chosen learning program (see Identifying skills, knowledge and previous experience below)
  • meeting any pre-requisite qualifications or work experience, and
  • meeting any age requirements that may be in place for a particular course

Student enrolments are subject to availability of places on the training program. This is based on the maximum number of participants who can be accommodated, given room capacity, type of course, learning structures, student needs etc.

If a training program is fully booked at the time the student enquires about enrolment into that particular training program, they will either be placed on a “reserve” list or offered a place on a date where there are vacancies. Students on a “reserve” list are given priority should a place become available. Enrolments are strictly on a first-in, first-served basis. Students must have the appropriate level of language, numeracy and literacy.

Training and Personnel Australia shall ensure that any applicants who do not meet entry requirements are advised of any appropriate pre entry training they may take to meet eligibility criteria.

Identifying skills, knowledge and previous experience:

To ensure that Training and Personnel Australia provides you with the training you require and at the level you require, it is important for us to make an assessment of your skills, knowledge, experience and capability to complete your chosen course of study. To support this, Training and Personnel Australia, as part of its enrolment process, require all students enrolling in short courses, skill sets, units of competency or qualifications, to undertake a literacy and numeracy assessment and complete a Skills/Experience Summary. This will enable Training and Personnel Australia to:

  • determine whether or not the course, unit, skill set or qualification is suitable for the student’s needs
  • determine what support arrangements (if any) are needed
  • any reasonable adjustment that may be required

Where Training and Personnel Australia does identify that support is necessary, we will work with the student to embed other techniques to support the student during their course.

Student Records

Training and Personnel Australia maintains an individual student file for every student who undertakes any form of training and assessment with us.

This file contains records regarding your personal details provided to us, any training and assessment undertaken and completed.

This file is available to you. In accordance with Privacy laws and confidentiality requirements, your file is kept in a locked cupboard.

Only those Training and Personnel Australia personnel who need to have access to your file for training and assessment purposes can access it.

No other person/student can and will have access to your personal student file without your prior written permission with the exception of applicable

Government agencies who will access your personal and training records for the purposes of external audit.

If you would like access to your personal records simply contact our CEO.

Fees, Charges and Refund Policy

Training and Personnel Australia has developed a fair and equitable process for determining course fees, refunds and payment options.

Please refer to the relevant course information.

See TPA’s Fees, Charges and Refund Policy for more details.

Cancellation & Transfers

Enrolment cancellation / withdrawal / deferral / amendment

Students who wish to withdraw/cancel/defer/amend their course are required to complete a Course Withdrawal Amend form or contact us.

TPA does not charge any administration fees for Transfers. For refunds associated with cancellation please reference TPA’s Fee’s Charges and Refund Policy

Student Transfers include:

  1. Transfer to another “Course date”
  2. Transfer to another “Course”
  3. Transfer to another “Delivery mode”
  4. Transfer to another “student”

RTO Cancellation of courses

Training and Personnel Australia reserves the right to cancel a course if insufficient enrolments are received prior to course commencement.

Students already booked in these courses will be notified.

If a course is cancelled, a full refund of all monies paid by a student for the course will be made automatically within 28 days.

Training and Personnel Australia has financial safeguards in place to ensure that all pre-paid fees are available for refund in the case of cancellation by Training and Personnel Australia.

Equal Opportunity

Training and Personnel Australia is committed to equal opportunity policies and principles, as they affect students and employees to ensure the elimination of discrimination and harassment.

Rights and Responsibilities

Training and Personnel Australia has a legal and moral obligation to provide equal opportunity in employment and a learning environment free from harassment for employees, contractors and students. Training and Personnel Australia is committed to providing an environment which recognises and respects the diversity of employees, contractors and students. Training and Personnel Australia is committed to providing a work and study environment free from harassment, vilification and bullying and supports the rights of all employees, contractors and students to work and study in a safe and healthy environment free from such behaviour.

Training and Personnel Australia will:

  • Ensure that employees, contractors and students understand that these types of actions and behaviour will not be tolerated in the work/study environment.
  • Request that any behaviour which could be considered harassment, vilification or bullying cease immediately.

All employees, contractors and students have a role to play in eliminating harassment, vilification and bullying by not encouraging or showing support for harassment, vilification or bullying aimed at work or study colleagues. This can be achieved by:

  • Refusing to join in with these types of actions and behaviours.
  • Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours.
  • Acting as a witness if the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.

If an employee, contractor or student feels harassed, vilified or bullied, the employee, contractor or student is encouraged to inform the person where the behaviour is unwanted, unacceptable and/or offensive. If the employee, contractor or student feels unable to approach the person, or if the behaviour continues following their request that the behaviour cease, the CEO should be contacted.

As a student of Training and Personnel Australia, you have the responsibility to:

  • Act to prevent harassment, discrimination and victimisation against others;
  • Respect differences among other staff, students and contractors, such as cultural and social diversity;
  • Treat people fairly, without discrimination, harassment or victimisation;
  • Refuse to join in with these behaviours;•Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours;
  • Acting as a witness it the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.


Discrimination is treating someone unfairly or harassing them because they belong to a particular group. It is against the law to discriminate against a person because of their age, sex, pregnancy, disability (includes, past, present or possible future disability), race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or nationality, marital status, sexuality or gender identification.

Both direct and indirect discrimination are against the law:

  • Direct discrimination -means treatment that is obviously unfair or unequal.
  • Indirect discrimination -means having a requirement that is the same for everyone but has an effect or result that is unfair to particular groups.

Harassment, Vilification and Bullying

All employees, contractors and students have an equal opportunity to work and study. Training and Personnel Australia will not tolerate behaviour which is of a harassing, vilifying or bullying nature.

It is against the law for employees, contractors and students to be harassed during the course of their work or study because of their sex, pregnancy, race (including colour, nationality, descent, ethnic or religious background), marital status, disability, sexuality, HIV/AIDS status or transgender.

Federal anti-discrimination legislation applies to staff, contractors and students.


In general, harassment is behaviour which is unwanted and that humiliates, offends or intimidates a person, and occurs because of a person’s:

  • Race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or national identity.
  • Sex.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Marital status.
  • Disability (including physical, intellectual and/or behavioural/psychiatric disability; past, current or future disability; actual or presumed disability).
  • Sexuality (male or female; actual or presumed).
  • Transgender.
  • Age.

It is unlawful for a person to be harassed due to a relationship to or association with a person of a particular race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender or age.

Harassment in the work and study environment can be overt or subtle, direct or indirect. It can be verbal, non-verbal or physical. Harassment can occur when power is used incorrectly.

Harassment is not always intended. Actions and behaviour which one person finds amusing or unimportant may offend or hurt another person.Examples of harassment include:

  • Intrusive or inappropriate questions or comments about a person’s private life.
  • Unwanted written, telephone or electronic messages.
  • Promises or threats to a person.
  • Physical violence or the threat of physical violence or coercion.


Vilification is the public act of a person which incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person or group of persons on the grounds of race, sexuality, transgender or HIV/AIDS status.

Examples of circumstances and behaviour that may constitute vilification on the basis of a person’s race, sexuality, on transgender grounds, or disability (HIV/AIDS) etc.are graffiti, speeches or statements made in public, abuse that happens in public, statements or remarks in a newspaper, journal or other publication, on radio, television or other widely accessed electronic media such as internet, email etc.

People wearing symbols, such as badges or clothing with slogans, in public, gestures made in public, posters or stickers in public space.


Bullying behaviour can refer to the actions or behaviours of a person to another that intimidates, degrades or humiliates the person.

It may include verbal abuse, behaviour intended to punish such as isolation, exclusion from workplace activities and “ganging up”.

Repeated “put-downs”, aggression, threats and poorly managed conflicts of opinion may be part of bullying behaviour.

It can occur between people such as managers and employees or contractors, co-workers and students.

Sexual harassment

Training and Personnel Australia will not tolerate sexual harassment in the learning or work environment.

The Training and Personnel Australia deplores all form of sexual harassment and seeks to ensure that the work and study environment is free from such harassment.

Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all persons.

Sexual harassment is unlawful. The harasser may be held liable for unlawful actions and be required to pay damages.

All employees, contractors and students have the right to work and study in an environment free from sexual harassment.

Forms of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment may take many forms. Often people do not realise that their behaviour constitutes sexual harassment, but they must be aware that behaviour that is acceptable to one person may not necessarily be acceptable to another. Sexual harassment is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature by one person to another at work or in a work-related setting. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Insensitive jokes and pranks.
  • Lewd comments about appearance.
  • Unnecessary body contact.
  • Displays of sexually offensive materials, for example, calendars or posters.
  • Requests for sexual favours.
  • Speculation about a person’s private life and sexual activities.
  • Threatened or actual sexual violence.
  • Threat of dismissal, loss of opportunity and so on, for refusal of sexual favours.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)

Training and Personnel Australia is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning and work environment. The safety of our students and staff is of primary importance in all activities and operations of our organisation. We are committed to implementing, maintaining and continuously improving work health and safety in all of our facilities and operations.

Training and Personnel Australia encourages all persons to regard accident prevention and safety as a collective and individual responsibility.

Training and Personnel Australia recognises its responsibility under the Workplace Health and Safety and related regulations.

The CEO has responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of staff, students, contractors and visitors. This includes:

  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and systems of work.
  • Provide, monitor and maintain systems for safe use, handling, storage and transportation of plant, equipment and substances.
  • Maintain the workplace in a safe and healthy condition.
  • Provide adequate facilities to protect the welfare of all employees.
  • Provide information, training and supervision for all staff and contractors, helping them to integrate WHS into their work areas and roles.
  • Provide information, where relevant, to students, allowing them to learn in a safe manner.
  • Check WHS system compliance via ongoing auditing.
  • Integrate continuous improvement into WHS performance.

Duty of Care

Training and Personnel Australia is committed to taking practicable steps to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work and learning environment for all staff, students, and contractors.

Specific responsibilities are:

Training and Personnel Australia Management:

  • Are responsible for the effective implementation and regular review of this WHS policy.
  • Must observe, implement and fulfil responsibilities under legislation that applies to WHS and endeavour to comply with relevant standards and codes of practice.
  • Must ensure that the agreed procedures for regular consultation between management and staff are followed.
  • Monitors the WHS management policies and procedures. Outcomes of WHS monitoring are used to help maintain appropriate risk controls. The effectiveness of these risk controls and this monitoring and review process is linked to Training and Personnel Australia Continuous Improvement processes•Are responsible for ensuring that a WHS management system is implemented.

Staff, contractors, students and visitors:

  • Have a duty of care for themselves and others.
  • Have a responsibility to cooperate with all WHS processes.
  • Have a responsibility to comply with relevant Training and Personnel Australia WHS management system policies and procedures.
  • Must not bypass or misuse systems or equipment provided for WHS purposes.
  • Must report any unsafe conditions which come to their attention to the CEO.

Accidents, Injuries and Near Misses

All incidents and near misses are required to be reported immediately. See your trainer/assessor or administration personnel to report any issues.

Training and Personnel Australia will ensure that the injured person receives appropriate first aid and/or medical treatment as soon as possible and will conduct an investigation to reasonably prevent a recurrence.

Training and Personnel Australia is also committed to ensuring that injury management activities commence as soon as possible after injury and that every effort is made to provide suitable and meaningful duties consistent with the nature of the injury or illness, after seeking appropriate medical judgement.

Students and employees are expected to take care to prevent work-related injuries to themselves and to others.

Investigating incidents and accidents

The CEO is responsible for investigating incidents and accidents.

Following the report of an incident (near miss) or accident (and after first aid and other injury management processes have been implemented), the CEO will immediately undertake an investigation.

The process for investigations may include.

  • Interview all people involved in the accident or incident and witnesses.
  • Use the risk management approach to help understand the underlying hazards that caused the incident or accident and whether controls failed, were insufficient or were absent.
  • Listen to recommendations of people involved in the incident or accident about what is required to prevent such incidents or accidents in the future.
  • Analyse results of investigation and document recommended courses of action for evaluation by the CEO.

Once action is approved, communicates outcomes and planned actions.